June’s Newsletter
Bible Chats with June
Lessons from Genesis 21: God is a Promise Keeper

Lessons from Genesis 21: God is a Promise Keeper

"He who made the promise is faithful to make it come true."

In this episode, June (@juneagnes_writes) delves into Genesis 21, exploring Isaac's birth and Hagar and Ishmael's departure. She highlights God's faithfulness in keeping promises and His attentiveness to those who cry out to Him.


00:01 - Introduction to Bible Chats with June, continuing Genesis chapter 21

00:58 - Reading of Genesis 21:1-7, birth of Isaac

01:48 - Reference to Hebrews and the Faith Hall of Fame

02:48 - Reading of Genesis 21:8-13, Sarah's request to cast out Hagar and Ishmael

03:52 - Brief mention of Abraham's other children

04:44 - Reading of Genesis 21:14-21, Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness

05:29 - Discussion on angels as God's representatives

06:17 - Reflection on the lesson of selflessness in delivering God's message

07:28 - Summary of the story's main points

09:26 - Closing remarks and prayer

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June’s Newsletter
Bible Chats with June
Each week, we'll explore a new chapter or a couple of verses, from Genesis onwards. We'll chat about the characters we love, the hidden gems we may never have uncovered before, and the lessons that the Lord is speaking to us that day.